Living a Recharged Ramadan.
“Salaam and Ramadan Mubarak!”
My name is Maillem and I first started walking in Ramadan around 7 years ago. Walking has always been my exercise of choice. I'm not a big fan of other types of exercise; not because I don't believe in it but I feel that walking is the most natural thing and doesn't even feel like exercise.
The best thing about walking is that you don't need special footwear or clothes, and as long as you're in something comfortable, you're good to go. There's also no fear of strain or injury and if you take it up a notch and go a little faster, it's the perfect cardio workout.
Back to Ramadan. For me, the best time to get in a bit of movement is an hour or so before Iftaar. I usually prepare the food and have everything ready just an hour before breaking the fast and then head out for a brisk walk for an hour.
Because it's walking, and depending on how fast you go, you don't really get tired or thirsty enough to need food or water at this stage. But even if you would, you don't have to wait for long as you'll arrive home just in time to break your fast.
I always feel great at the end of the walk and as I try to stick to a routine in Ramadan, I can honestly say that walking does wonders for my health, Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah).
If you're looking to stay active this Ramadan, I would definitely recommend a brisk 30 minutes walk before maghrib salah (prayer at time of sunset) and if you're anything like me, you won't look back!